The Addict's Parents United Main Closed Support Group

The Addict's Parents United

TAP United Main Page is a closed facebook group that offers a safe space for support for parents who have one or more children/adult children with the disease of addiction. Whether you child is in active use, recovery or relapse, we are here to support you.

We provide support for the parents that is focused on giving hope with the utmost emphasis on Self-Care, while navigating through the devastation that is caused by the disease of addiction. We share with each other what has worked for us and have grown into a loving and caring community that understands in your deepest times of need. We have weekly online support group meetings, education resources, and opportunities to advocate within our communities.

Understanding the disease of addiction is a very difficult process for anyone. It seems impossible to understand why our beautiful children change so drastically – what seems like overnight. And overnight, our life as we knew changes too! As parents we want to do “whatever it takes” to save them. We get insane ourselves trying to figure out what works. That is why we say “addiction is a family disease”. Many times, OUR addiction becomes trying to “fix” our kids.

If only there were people I could talk to that understand ………..

……….that’s why we are here!

We welcome you to join our Closed Main Support Group for sharing, caring and support!

We do screen all membership for this page (and all our Closed Support Groups) so you will have to follow the process of requesting admission and being accepted into the group. We do this so that we have a closed community of parents that have children with the disease of addiction.

Meetings with other parents that “get us” are very important. We have a weekly zoom meeting for members of this page … something you can do from the comfort of your home.


In addition to my two girlfriends who have adult children as recovering addicts, TAP has been the backbone that keeps me sane while dealing with all the insanity that our addicted kids go through. Whether I speak or not during the Sunday night zoom group, I gain something valuable even if it’s a reminder to stay out of my sons way, patience or listening to other parents. This group is for every parent who has an addicted child. I’m so blessed that Brenda started it and I found it!

Ellen - Ohio

This group was my savior. Family and friends may love us but really have no idea of the inner turmoil we feel having an addict in the family. They are mostly angry at our loved ones for causing us pain. That is not what we need. We need compassion and understanding. We get to share and hear others’ experiences. We don’t give advice, yet we can take from one another’s stories if it works for our situation. This feels like a good loving home especially while our hearts hurt sometimes.

Addy - NY

Thank you so much for starting this website. I have gained so much knowledge and compassion from people who understand what us parents go thru. It has helped me grow in my own recovery. I look forward to our Sunday night Zoom meetings! In crisis I’ve had a friend to talk to. Thank you Brenda

Teri - Georgetown, Texas

Where do I start? I found this support group in 2016 and TAP United has helped me to be able to find ways to focus on myself while still loving my child where she is but not focusing on trying to fix my child. There is so much support in this group and being able to share how we feel with people that truly understand.

Rebecca - Ohio

This group's a terrific/additional support system to me, especially the Sun. Zoom mtgs. I've gained much knowledge as well while being here. Members have always been supportive, empathetic, compassionate, understanding & loving towards me. I'm so glad I found ya'll & decided to stay!!!

(BJ/Blanca) - NC!